Residential roller shutters are an excellent addition to any home. Not only do they provide additional security, but they're also convenient and stylish (depending on the design options selected). Roller shutters last for many years after initial installation. However, they also need to be maintained to ensure optimal performance.

There are many issues that may affect your roller shutters after years of use. From warped springs to damaged panels, identifying and repairing such issues on time is critical to the longevity of your roller shutters. Here are four common signs that your doors will need to be repaired.

1.    Broken or warped springs

Some roller shutter doors require a spring tension system to hold the door's weight during opening and closing. If your doors are heavy, they may exert eight on the springs over a long period and cause them to warp. Rust, debris and poor maintenance of the spring tension system may also cause your springs to warp or break.

The most obvious sign of damaged springs is complications with opening the door. You may notice that the door gets stuck, crashes closed, or produces squealing and screeching sounds whenever you operate the door assembly. Spring issues are more than just a nuisance. They may also cause a safety hazard to your home and should be fixed as soon as possible.

2.    Damaged panels

Your door panels may also become damaged due to direct impact or wear and tear. Physical damage to the door panel may cause it to fall out of line with the tracks or get stuck during opening/closing. Furthermore, damaged panels may provide less insulation to your property and drive op energy consumption. This is why you should contact a repair technician as soon as possible to repair or replace damaged panels.

3.    Loose or misaligned tracks

The tracks of your roller shutter doors are the pathway through which the door panel slides up and down (or left and right). If the tracks are loose, damaged, or misaligned, you will experience frequent problems when operating your doors.

Track issues are a common problem, and they should be regularly checked for proper functionality. The good news is that you can replace portions of the tracks that are damaged- rather than the entire track system.  

4.    Lubrication

Your roller shutters require multiple moving parts to ensure smooth operation. If the tracks, rollers, and frame are poorly lubricated, you may experience loud, screeching noises from high friction.

A noisy door is annoying to operate and could result in more significant issues down the road. This is why lubricating your shutters as soon as possible is a critical repair/maintenance strategy.  
